
What is an Anarchist Distro?

An anarchist zine distro is a project that produces and spreads literature (among other things) which critiques both the state and capitalism. Zines themselves are short for magazines and been in use for decades as an accessible way to self publish anything you want. A zine distro (short for distribution) is one way that these zines are circulated. If you ever want to get a better idea on the general concept of zines, check out the annual OKC Zine Fest!

The purpose of Sunrise Distro is to support the growth of radical movements in OKC helping people access the analysis and strategies they need to achieve their goals. Most notably we have seen the rise and fall of organization after organization seeking change yet always repeating the same mistakes as their predecessors. This is especially apparent in the OKC protest movement which rises and falls after each political crisis spurring action followed by intense burnout as these protests fail to gain momentum, achieve anything, and put people in increasing danger thanks to inexperienced and careless organizers.

Even more disastrous are the bad actors who have historically stayed with the constantly rotating protest movement and taken advantage of new comers in order to use these people for their own ends. All of this results in a vicious cycle where potential movements are killed in their infancy. Nothing is achieved and all effective action is either snuffed out or redirected into marches and protests sponsored by local politicians who are far more interested in keeping the peace than genuine systematic change.

Such a limited and disruptive movement has alienated a great deal of people who would otherwise be interested in participating. This needs to change! There are countless parts to play and we must make room for all of them. Only then will we be able to grow beyond a protest movement that only ever reacts. Only then will we be able to take a growing network of organizations providing direct aid to the most vulnerable and grow it into something truly revolutionary.

Zines are excellent for this because they are short, accessible, and easily shared. If you are interested in growing through the analysis of our material conditions and the critique of the present state of things then this place is for you. Finally, Sunrise Distro is not just for spreading already existing literature but also publishing new analysis relevant to the milieu. If you have an essay, report back, or communique you’d like to submit, feel free to send it to sunrise1312@privacyrequired.com!